DDGM JEBONG IN JUNE: Igniting "Men in Light" and "Light Among Masons"

As is the tradition, DDGM Jebong announced the beginning of his incumbency by visiting the first four subordinate Lodges of Masonic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora.

He first visited Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 in Sto. Domingo, Nueva Ecija on June 1 where he was warmly received by WB Reynald Martin and the brethren then Ang Bagong Bayan Masonic Lodge No. 463 in Lllanera, Nueva Ecija on June 8 where he was feted by WB Anthony Reyes and the brethren, Talavera Masonic Lodge No. 273 in Talavera, Nueva Ecija on June 15 where he was hosted by WB Alvin Tadique and the brethren, and Kasiguruhan Masonic Lodge No. 423 in Casiguran, Aurora on June 28 where he enjoyed a fellowship with WB Michael Pineda and the brethren.    

DDGM Jebong@Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 (June 1, 2024)

DDGM Jebong@Ang Bagong Bayan Masonic Lodge No. 463 (June 8, 2024)

DDGM Jebong@Talavera Masonic Lodge No. 273 (June 15, 2024)

DDGM Jebong@Kasiguruhan Masonic Lodge (June 28, 2024)

In his message to the brethren during his official visits, DDGM Jebong expounded on the substance of Grand Master Ariel Cayanan's theme of "Let there be more men in the light, and let there be more light among Masons"  where the phrase "men in light" is to remind the brethren that their responsibilities are not only to their Lodges but to society as a whole and as such, all Masons are expected to be exemplars of integrity and wisdom for their families, workplace, and communities.

 DDGM Jebong added that the second part of "light among Masons" is to remind the brethren that Masonic learning and development is a never ending process, that each Mason's responsibility is to seek further light and truth to be able to become true Masons and effective leaders.

Finally, he conveyed to the brethren that his leadership as DDGM of MD Nueva Ecija East and Aurora will be guided by the Grand Master's motto of "Education, Enligthenment and Equilibrium" towards intellectual development; being honest, generous and kind; and realizing a balance life.  

126th Philippine Independence Day

DDGM Jebong also led the District in commemorating the 126th year of the Masonically inspired declaration of Philippine indepence in  a ceremony that was hosted by VW Mayor Ricardo Padilla (DGL)  in the historic town of Bongabon, Nueva Ecija.

Other Activities

Apart ensuring his subordinate Lodges' compliance to the regulations of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines and the Grand Master's theme and program for the Masonic year, DDGM Jebong also intends to support their continuing growth and development.

And for this purpose, he convened a caucus that was attended by his Executive Team and the Worshipful Masters of his subordinate Lodges to align District activities with Lodge initiatives and consolidate a District level program of action, and...  

  ...supported various Lodge activities such as the tree planting project of Ang Bagong Bayan 463 and the medical and dental mission of Palayan Masonic Lodge No. 331. 


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