RELIEF: DDGM Rommel at MLQ 262's 39th Installation Rites

"Freemasonry is a brotherhood of men and as a big family, it is our obligation to provide relief to a distressed worthy brother and his family".

This was the message of DDGM Rommel Angara as he closed the 39th public installtion rites of the Manuel L. Quezon Masonic Lodge No. 262 where WB Leo Arevalo handed over the Lodge's leadership to WM Kim Adrian Yanga.

It was a poignant moment for DDGM Rommel since Baler is his homecourt and his father, the late Mayor Joselito Angara is in fact MLQ 262's first son where his brother, incumbent Baler Mayor Rhett Ronan Angara, is also a member.  

And WB Kiam Adrian was all smiles after receiving DDGM Rommel's P30,000 donation to support his Lodge's projects.


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