TEMPERANCE: DDGM Rommel at Pantabangan-Bonari 203's 48th Installation Rites

There was the usual tete-a-tete as guests mingle before the start of the 48th installation rites of Panatabangan-Bonari Masonic Lodge No. 203 --- DDGM Rommel Angara of Masonic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora in an animated conversation with past DDGM Narciso Nieto who in his keynote speech reminded the brethren to be true Masons in their deeds, and a moment with Mayor Hanna Katrina Andres of the Municipality of Rizal who was the guest of honor and with WB Mayor Nerito "Kuya JR" Santos Jr. of Talavera the town and the Lodge. 

With the Lodge's officers duly installed, DDGM Rommel was honored with a certificate of his honorary membership in the Lodge by immediate Past Master William Eder and a token of appreciation presented by newly installed WM Julius Ferrer, after which he delivered his closing remarks where he reminded the brethren that Masons are a cut above the rest and are expected to temper their actions with the fundamental Masonic principles of brotherly love, relief and truth specially in the treatment of petitioners for the degrees of Masonry. 

At the ensuing fellowship dinner, DDGM Rommel handed P30,000 each to WB Julius Ferrer and WB Carlo Valmonte of Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 in support of their respective projects as the music began and the wine of refreshment started flowing.


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