BROTHERLY LOVE: DDGM Rommel at Palayan City 331's 23rd Installation Rites

DDGM Rommel Angara and the District officers of Masonic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora were in full force at Palayan City Masonic Lodge's 23rd installation of its elected and appointed officers that was held at the jam-packed Nueva Ecija Convention Center and graced by WB Michael Tagulao from the Grand Lodge of California who as the guest of honor and speaker reminded the brethren gathered on what a Mason should be.

Before stepping down, outgoing WM Adriano Ramos presented a token of the Lodge's appreciation of DDGM Rommel's support to the Lodge who in his closing remarks and taking the cue from WB Michael reminded the brethren of their obligation to take care of one another, to provide relief in times of distress, and to speak good counsel in moments of doubts.

After the installation rites, DDGM Rommel handed P30,000 to newly installed WM Ramon Mangalonzo in support of the Lodge's projects.  

The installation rites was attended by a delegation from the subordiate Lodges of the Grand Lodge of California and by the spouses of the brethren of Palayan City 331.


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