PDDGM Hossain Tops JGW Nomination of the 31st Central Luzon Multi-District Convention

Past DDGM Hossain Samsoddin Vostakalaei of Masonic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora was nominated by a landslide as the top candidate for Junior Grand Lecturer of Central Luzon with a total of 131 votes.

His nomination and that of VW Kenneth Yambao (72 votes) and VW August Roxas (51 votes) was the highlight of the 31st Central Luzon Multi-District Covention that was hosted by Masonic District Bulacan East and West in San Rafael, Bulacan.    

Despite his busy schedule, DDGM Rommel Angara ensured that all voting delegates of  subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of Nueva Ecija and Aurora are in attendance to support the bid of PDDGM Hossain with the other three Masonic Districts of Nueva Ecija.

Grand Master Johnny Pimentel graced the occassion with his presence as the guest of honor with Past Grand Master Pacifico Aniag and Junior Grand Warden Raul Canon also in attendance. 

Before the convention proper, a Grand Master's Night was tendered by the host district in honor of Grand Master Johnny Pimentel to fete the delegates with the traditional fellowship of brothers from different mothers where DDGM Rommel and his entourage were duly recognized.


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