A Cornerstone is Laid in Bongabon

The sleepy town of Bongabon at the foothills of the mighty Sierra Madres has its own chapter of Philippine history during the Philippine Revolution against colonial Spain and the Philippine-American War.

And Masonry has always been intertwined with history since the Craft took hold in the Philippines but it was only recently that a Lodge was established in Bongabon with the constitution of Allium Cepa Masonic Lodge No. 453 on July 5, 2021.

Today, Grand Master Johnny Pimentel laid the cornerstone where the Lodge will pursue its labors in Barangay Tugatog, Bongabon, Nueva Ecija in a 1,000-square meter lot that the brethren of Allium Cepa 453 bought for P1.2 million.     

DDGM Rommel Angara himself applied the square to the corners of the stone and reported to the Grand Master that the Craftsmen of Allium Cepa 453 have done their duty before pouring the corn of nourishment that will symbolically strengthen and sustain the Craftsmen who will build King Solomon's Temple in that place.

Allium Cepa 453 is the second Lodge under the jurisdiction of MD Nueva Ecija East and Aurora to lay down its cornerstone after Bagong Bayan 463 during the incumbency of DDGM Rommel, and with the leadership of WB Ricardo Padilla and the support of the brethren, a Masonic temple will soon rise in Bongabon.



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