GM Johnny Pimentel Presides over ABB 463 Cornerstone Laying Ceremony

We were taught in the First Degree to erect a spiritual temple in our hearts upon the solid foundation of the northeast corner where we were then seated to continue learning and appreciating "the necessity of integrity, stability of conduct, of truthfulness and uprightness of character, and of purity and holiness of life".

Likewise, Masonic Lodges are expected to build their temples where they will pursue their labors with this endeavor commencing in a Cornerstone Laying Ceremony where a time capsule is deposited in the northeast corner of the edifice to be built.

On this day, Grand Master Johnny Pimentel with DDGM Rommel Angara acting as Deputy Grand Master presided over this ceremony with the brethren of Ang Bagong Bayan Masonic Lodge No. 463 in a 1,000 square meter lot in Brgy. San Nicolas, Llanera, Nueva Ecija where their Masonic Temple will be erected through an initial budget of 5 million pesos.

The Cornerstone Laying Ceremony is attributed to Bro. Benjamin Franklin who is said to have started the tradition when the Philadelphia state house was built, and subsequently followed by the more famous image of Bro. George Washington laying the cornerstone of the US Capitol in Masonic attire (Source: Grand Lodge of Ohio).

And as was the tradition, WM Edwin Ubungin hosted a fellowship for the Grand Master, DDGM Rommel and the brethren in attendance after the ceremony.

MD NUEVA ECIJA EAST & AURORA TRIVIA: WB Edwin Ubungin, the Charter Master of Ang Bagong Bayan Masonic Lodge No. 463, has the rare distinction of being the Lodge's incumbent Worshipful Master under the jurisdiction of MD RIII Nueva Ecija East and Aurora while serving as the District Deputy Grand Master of MD RIII Nueva Ecija North at the same time. The plan to erect the Lodge's Masonic Temple was hatched during his incumbency and he hopes that it is where he will step down from the East next year.


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