Team Hossain Finally Installed, Virtually

After being postponed for a year by the COVID-19 pandemic, the 104th Annual Communications of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines was finally convened in a historic hybrid virtual and limited face-to-face meeting on 22-23 April 2021 that was highlighted by the installation of the 103rd Grand Master of Masons in the Philippines, MW Rolen C. Paulino, and his team for Masonic Year 2021-2022 that included VW Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei as the second District Deputy Grand Master of Masonic District R3 Nueva Ecija East and Aurora and the District's Grand Lecturers.

The virtual installation rites was another historic first in the annals of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines where Grand Line Officers from across the jurisdiction were installed remotely through the magic of the internet after the Grand Master's installation at the Lincoln Masonic Lodge No. 34 Temple in Olongapo City in a ceremony that was presided by MW Hermogenes Ebdane (PGM).

For Nueva Ecija East and Aurora, the virtual installation of DDGM Hossain was held at the function hall of the Dr. Gloria D. Lacson General Hospital where VW Joel De Mesa, VW Jonathan Nepomuceno and VW Vincent Jay Sagun of Talavera Masonic Lodge No. 273; VW Jojit Floro of Model Masonic Lodge No. 373; VW Christian Noveras of Kasiguruhan Masonic Lodge No. 423; and VW Rodelio Leonardo of Palayan City Masonic Lodge No. 331 were also installed as District Grand Lecturers.

"Clear Vision of Masonic Harmony"

PHOTO CREDIT: VW Edison Rivera (District Secretary)


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