Consolidating MD R3 Nueva Ecija East and Aurora

Immediately after his installation as the District Deputy Grand Master of the newly created Masonic District R-III Nueva Ecija East and Aurora, DDGM Rhomel Martinez convened the first district meeting that was hosted by Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 in Baloc, Sto. Domingo Nueva Ecija on 21 December 2019 and attended by representatives of the District’s 8 subordinate Lodges where his plan to for the remaining Masonic Year was presented, discussed and agreed.

The DDGM’s plan of action for what was then a short stint (December 2019-April 2020) was mainly to consolidate the newly established District that led to the following major outcomes:
  • Adoption of the official District logo that represent the main characteristics of the new District: the 8 rays of the sun representing its 8 subordinate Lodges, the colors green representing Nueva Ecija’s agriculture industry and blue for Aurora’s fishing industry, and a representation of the 8 Worshipful Masters who govern the District’s eight lodges subordinate Lodges.

  • Traditional official Lodge visitations of the DDGM to his District’s subordinate Lodges, and presiding over the proficiency examination of the incoming Three Lights for MY 2020-2021 that was hosted by Pantabangan-Bonari Lodge No. 203 on 31 December 2019 in Rizal Nueva Ecija.

  • Convening a District Lodge of Instruction for public installation of officers to ensure uniformity of the ceremony and emphasize its solemnity, and attending all the public installation rites of all 8 subordinate Lodges of the District.

Then the Covid-19 pandemic happened and with the suspension of Masonic activities from March to October 2020, what could have been the brief 4-month stint as DDGM extended to 16 months until ANCOM 2021 with the following major outcomes that finalized the consolidation of the District:

  • Ratification of the District Constitution and By-laws during the 3rd District Meeting that was hosted by Talavera Masonic Lodge on 05 March 2021.

  • Hosting what would be known as Class 2021-166 (Model Builders) of the Institute of Masonic Education and Studies that was held at Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 on March 26-28 which produced 54 new IMES graduates.


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