
Showing posts from November, 2022

PDDGM Hossain Tops JGW Nomination of the 31st Central Luzon Multi-District Convention

Past DDGM Hossain Samsoddin Vostakalaei of Masonic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora was nominated by a landslide as the top candidate for Junior Grand Lecturer of Central Luzon with a total of 131 votes. His nomination and that of VW Kenneth Yambao (72 votes) and VW August Roxas (51 votes) was the highlight of the 31st Central Luzon Multi-District Covention that was hosted by Masonic District Bulacan East and West in San Rafael, Bulacan.     Despite his busy schedule, DDGM Rommel Angara ensured that all voting delegates of  subordinate Lodges under the jurisdiction of Nueva Ecija and Aurora are in attendance to support the bid of PDDGM Hossain with the other three Masonic Districts of Nueva Ecija. Grand Master Johnny Pimentel graced the occassion with his presence as the guest of honor with Past Grand Master Pacifico Aniag and Junior Grand Warden Raul Canon also in attendance.  Before the convention proper, a Grand Master's Night was tendered by the host district in honor of Gr

DDGM Rommel Fete Team Nueva East & Aurora to the CL Multi-District Sportsfest

Team Nueva Ecija East and Aurora copped the special award on being "Best in Uniform" at the Central Luzon Multi-District Sportsfest that was held in SM-Clark Pampanga as well as taking 1st runner-up honors for billiards courtesy of Bro. Diego Saad and finishing as 2nd runner up for bowling through the efforts of Bros. Ernie Cortez, Dennis Villasenor, Bobby Faronillo, Dennis Daquiz and RJ Menorca.  And in celebration of their achievement, DDGM Rommel Angara feted Team Nueva Ecija East and Aurora to a sumptuous dinner and fellowship at the Waves Bar and Grill in Cabanatuan City that was arranged by VW Alfred Leonard Domingo (DGL) who was the Team Manager.  Team Nueva Ecja and Aurora also competed in table tennis though Bros. Agelito Dela Cruz (DGL), Ernesto Jimenez and Rex M.; darts with Bros. Rewel Gungon, Reynald Martin and Jun Coronel; and golf with Bros. Rewel Gungon, Roger Lugtu, Rodel Leonardo, Larry Camatu and Janong Ramos.  Bros. Elmer Santiago and Jun Coronel also comp

A Tilapia Production Project in Maria Aurora

"Give a man a fish, and you feed him for a day. Teach a man to fish, and you feed him for a lifetime." These wise words from Chinese philospoher Lao Tzu are the inspiration for a livelihood project that DDGM Rommel Angara and the brethren of Maosnic District Nueva Ecija East and Aurora provided to more than 50 farming households from the municiplaity of Maria Aurora who received more than 400,000 tilapia fingerlings for backyard fish production.     The project was facilitated by Manuel L. Quezon Masonic Lodge No. 262 and Kasiguruhan Masonic Lodge No. 423 with the support of the National Freshwater Fisheries Technology Center of the Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources through VW Angelito Dela Cruz (DGL) who provided the tilapia fngerlings, and aims to provide an additional source of income for poor farming households.  Beyond the fingerlings distribution, DDGM Rommel and the Municipal Government of Maria Aurora through Mayor Ariel Bitong and Bro. Coun. Eleazar Palermo,