
Showing posts from July, 2021

DDGM Hossain's Official Visit to His District's Subordinate Lodges

Amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic, DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei persevered to visit the subordinate Lodges of Masonic District RIII Nueva Ecija East and Aurora to convey the Grand Master's program and message to the brethren,  taking into account the prescribed health protocols of the IATF and Grand Lodge of the Philippines  and bearing the proverbial "wine of refreshment" for the brethren to enjoy after their labors.   JULY 10, 2021: DDGM Hossain with WM Rick Yerro and the brethren of Pantabangan-Bonari Lodge No. 203 at the conclusion of his official visit. JULY 17, 2021: DDGM Hossain is received by WM Ernie Cortez and the brethren of Palayan City Masonic Lodge No. 331 during his official visit.  JULY 17, 2021: The gavel is turned over by WM Edwin Ubungin during DDGM Hossain's official visit to Ang Bagong Bayan Masonic Lodge No. 463 where he proceeded from Palayan City. JULY 23, 2021: WM Prudencio Elegado receives a temple building donation of P30,000

Allium Cepa Finally Constituted as Masonic Lodge No. 453; District Donates to the GLP's Vaccination Drive

After a long wait and several delays due to the constraints of the COVID-19 pandemic, Allium Cepa Masonic Lodge No. 453 was finally constituted as a regular Lodge in a ceremony that was presided by Grand Master Rolen Paulino at the Grand Lodge of the Philippines. VW Prudencio "Amang" Elegado thus lay claim to what can be a rare achievement of serving as Worshipful Master of four different Lodges --- Nueva Ecija Masonic Lodge No. 73, Zaragoza Masonic Lodge No. 263, Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 and Allium Cepa Masonic Lodge No. 453 --- as he received their charter from the Grand Master with DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei and the officers of Allium Cepa who were also duly installed in their respective positions. On hindsight, the number 3 which is the smallest number needed to create a pattern and symbolizes the triangle which is an important Masonic emblem is a fitting lucky number for VW Amang and rightly so because it also represents the Trinity of God the Father, God the