
Showing posts from November, 2021

DDGM Hossain Resumes His Lodge Visits

After being sidelined by a pandemic-induced 2-month suspension of Masonic activities as ordered by the Grand Master, DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei resumed his disrupted visit to the subordinate Lodges of Masonic District RIII Nueva Ecija East and Aurora. And his first official activity after the lifting of the suspension is to visit Model Masonic Lodge No. 373 where he was warmly received and given Grand Honors by WM Dean Barry Lao and members of the Lodge at their regular stated meeting on October 30.    On November 27, DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei and his entourage travelled to Baler, Aurora to grace the regular stated meeting of Kasigurahan Lodge No. 423 where he presented a P10,000 cash gift each to WM Alfredo Ocampo and WM Sherwin Amatorio of the Manuel L. Quezon Masonic Lodge No. 262 for their respective Lodge Christmas parties. All 8 subordinate Lodges of MD RIII Nueva Ecija East and Aurora received the same cash gift from the District Deputy Grand Master in lieu of

Nueva East and Aurora Holds Annual District Convention

The second Annual District Convention of Masonic District RIII Nueva East and Aurora was convened by DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei on November 26 at Talavera Masonic Lodge No. 273 with strict health protocols in place including mandatory antigen testing for all attending delegates.    At the Convention, the delegates from the District's subordinate Lodges and incumbent District officers unanimously adopted Resolution No. 01-2021 "supporting the request of Deputy Grand Master RW Johnny T. Pimentel to extend term of office of all elected and appointed Grand Line officers for one year with the caveat that Subordinate Lodges shall be allowed to elect and install their officers for the ensuing Masonic Year". The Convention also unanimously elected VW Emil Andrew Dela Rosa II, a past DDGM of then Masonic District Nueva Ecija South and Aurora, as its official Junior Grand Warden nominee. The Convention was graced by the presence of VW Judge Trese Wenceslao, also a past DDG

DDGM Hossain Fetes the Brethren on His 43rd Birthday

As he turned 43 in the time of the pandemic, DDGM Hossain Shamsoddin Vostakalaei feted his subordinate Lodges to a birthday party like no other, which is virtual and by gifting all 8 Lodges of Masonic District RIII Nueva Ecija East and Aurora with P10,000 each to celebrate with him in a way that is compliant with the current restrictions on mass gathering.      The Big Man of Nueva Ecija East and Aurora is indeed that, soft spoken with a generous heart and a big smile, a humble person who would serve the brethren their drinks in post-Lodge visitation fellowships depsite being the guest of honor, down to earth to the max that few knew that he actually holds a PhD (Doctor of Philosopy) on Educational Management and is in fact the president of the Dr. Gloria D. Lacson Foundation Colleges. Many wondered at his long foreign-sounding name which is a reflection of his Persian heritage --- his father, Engr. Massoud Shamsoddin Vostakalaei (Doctor of Education) was originally from Iran who was s